Ultra-fine Beam Marking On Product Material Laser Pointer

Regarding the issue of altering the shelf life of food, most companies know it from small businesses to small vendors. Only consumers are fooled by “hidden rules.” The bad companies played the “date game” and made illegal profits. They processed the food that had expired or was about to expire, put it on the market…

Best Results Demand For Laser Pointer Market Applications

With the development of the times and the needs of laser pointer market applications, the past silk screen process has been gradually replaced by laser marking machines. Laser marking, as a modern precision processing method, is related to printing, mechanical scoring, and EDM processing. Compared with the processing method, it has unparalleled advantages. The laser marking machine…

Laser Marking Machine Has Broad Application Prospects

Laser marking machine has been used to mark products in many industries, and the mobile phone manufacturing industry is no exception. Today, I will take the iPhone, which is very familiar to everyone, as an example to explain the mobile phone laser pointer marking machine. From Apple 5, 5s, 6, recently released 8. Basically, every accessory of…

Upward Focus Of Laser Pointer During Sculpting

In the traditional plane marking machine, the workpieces must be placed on the same plane, and the processing surfaces must also be on the same plane, in order to achieve the marking of one molding, and the curved surface marking cannot be completed. At the same time, the traditional 2D marking for deep carving on…

3D Laser Non-planar Marking Machine

With the rapid development of laser technology, the processing form of laser is gradually changing. In order to meet the needs of curved surface processing, the current 3D laser pointer marking technology is also gradually emerging. It has been favored by various industries for its fast, efficient, safe and environmentally friendly characteristics, and has a laser footprint…

Lasers Focus Energy Into Tiny Spaces

In response to market characteristics and needs, a new series of UV laser marking machines have been launched. The core component UV laser pointer has been independently developed and produced by the design team, and enjoys a number of high-end technology patents. Other major components are professionally customized according to customer needs. Reliable and stable. In addition…

A Powerful Assistant In The Field Of Fine Processing Laser Pointer

The effect on the surface of the material is small, this feature is more suitable for the marking of the outer packaging of food, medicine, 3C, and home appliances. Therefore, the UV laser pointer marking machine is very suitable for today’s fine processing, and its excellent performance has been accepted by many industries, becoming an important processing…

A Powerful Assistant In The Field Of Precision Machining Laser Pointer

Against the background of “Made in China 2025”, the traditional manufacturing industry is now facing deep transformation and upgrading. One of the important strategies is to shift to high-end precision machining with added value and higher technical barriers. So, how can we achieve high-end precision machining? If you have used the “fastest knife”, “most accurate…

Directly Affect The Quality Of Laser Pointer Products

Current status of plate processing technology in the electrical industry. In electrical products, metal plate processed parts account for more than 30% of all product parts. The traditional processes of blanking, cutting corners, openings, and trimming are relatively backward, which directly affect the quality and production cost of the laser pointer. The reasons are as follows:…

Laser Cutting Application Electrical Industry Processing Technology

Many electrical appliances industries have adopted laser cutting machining processes in the appearance of sheet metal parts and the installation of complete electrical components, which has improved product quality, reduced production costs, and received good production benefits. The laser pointer is mainly used for cutting sheet metal parts in the appearance of sheet metal parts and the…