Laser Pointer Lets Scientific Research go From Moonlight to Sunlight

Experts metaphorically, with the support of the large scientific facility Shanghai Light Source, scientists have moved from looking at the microscopic world under “moonlight” to looking at the microscopic world under “sunlight”. This has great significance for promoting basic scientific research and attracting first-class scientific research teams at home and abroad. In the past 8…

Laser Processing New Technology Laser Pen Electroplating Technology

Laser plating technology is an emerging high-energy beam current plating technology, which is of great significance for the production and repair of microelectronic devices and large-scale integrated circuits. At present, although the principles of laser plating, laser ablation, plasma laser deposition and laser pointer spraying are still under study, its technology has been initially applied. In the…

Apache Airborne Laser Pointer Test Successfully Destroyed Ground Targets

Raytheon recently issued a statement saying that the US Army ’s Apache Project Management Office and Raytheon, in conjunction with the US Special Operations Command, successfully completed the test of the high-energy laser pointer system installed on the AH-64 Apache helicopter. As the US Department of Defense seeks to use lower-cost solutions instead of using expensive missiles…

Researchers Use Ultrafast Laser to Prepare The Darkest Artificial Metal Surface

The research group of Professor Zhong Minlin from the School of Materials Science and Technology of Tsinghua University published the research result titled “General Method for Realizing Very Low Reflectivity by Two-level Regulation of Micro-nano Structures on Metal Surfaces” in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (Impact Factor 13.942). This achievement proposes a new…

Compressed Laser Suppresses Interference

In order to solve the laser quantum noise interference, the LIGO experimental group cooperated with the German GEO600 gravitational wave detector project team to use compressed light technology to weaken the quantum noise. Now these compressed light technologies have been officially used in the GEO600 interferometer, and a preliminary trial has been conducted in the…

The Number Of Photons in The Red Laser Pointer of The Detector

LIGO’s two interferometers are located in Livingston on the south coast of the United States and Hanford on the northwest coast. Each interferometer is composed of two 4km long vacuum steel pipe arms that are perpendicular to each other in an L shape. Many finely processed mirrors are installed at the ends. When a laser pointer passes…

Lidar Obstacle Detection And Classification

For obstacle detection and classification, there are currently applications of vision and laser pointer radar, which do not conflict. Lidar does not depend on light, its angle of view is 360 degrees, the calculation is relatively small, and it can be scanned in real time. At present, it is generally used within 100 milliseconds. During the scanning…

Refractive index sensing based on semiconductor nanowire laser

The manufacturing process uses a semiconductor-like laser pointer process in which cadmium sulfide (CdS) nanowires (refractive index n = 2.67) are grown on a silicon wafer substrate using chemical vapor transport. After that, the nanowires were directly deposited on the silicon glass cover, and then exposed to low pressure plasma. This plasma treatment is used to ensure…