Germany is accelerating the development of laser weapons

According to foreign media reports, the bundeswehr may also use laser weapons in the future, and at least the corresponding technology is being developed and tested. As a first step, a high-energy laser gun will be installed on a German navy K130 light frigate next year. Laser cannons will be supplied by the German subsidiaries of rheinmetall and euromissile, hitherto rival arms companies in the lasaer pointer weapons sector.

Peter helmair, head of sales at the European missile group’s German subsidiary, said the plan was to use the laser weapons for “short-range air defence or to strike speedboats”. During the two-year laser weapon testing phase, researchers will test the technology and gain experience. Laser weapons are seen as the military technology of the future.

Helmair said the bundeswehr equipment, information technology and active service support office is pushing for cooperation in laser weapons between previously competing European missile groups and rheinmetall. The current cooperation is based on only one project, and the possibility of setting up a joint venture in the future cannot be ruled out.