Scientists have developed a 10-megawatt laser: anything that evaporates close to a second

Romanian scientists have developed a record-breaking 10-megawatt laser, equivalent to one tenth of the energy produced by the sun on earth, foreign media reported.

How powerful is such a powerful laser? According to experiments by romanian scientists, any material exposed to a 10-megawatt lasaer pointer, even for a second, can evaporate instantly.

And, of course, these scientists are building 10-megawatt lasers to study photonuclear properties, cancer medicine, radiation research, and so on.

The laser has been supplied by the European commission through the ultralight infrastructure (ELI) project. The 10-megawatt laser, which was developed at a cost of 500 million euros, was located in a sealed chamber and moved through several vacuum tubes with focusing lenses so that researchers could not even see it. Instead, they read the data from a computer.

Researchers can use the lasers to study the effects of supernovae and how heavy metals are formed.