Femtosecond laser-induced shape memory polymers

Recently, the school of engineering sciences, university of science and technology of China (ustc) has made a new breakthrough in femtosecond laser pointer-induced material processing.

The institute, in collaboration with the national university of Singapore, used femtosecond lasers to fabricate reconfigurable structures on the surface of shape memory polymers, discovered a new “polymer self-growth” effect, and used this effect to fabricate a variety of reconfigurable functional microstructures.

It is understood that this work introduces a method of “self-growth” by femtosecond laser scanning on the surface of prestretched shape memory polymer to achieve micro-scale and locally reconfigurable structure. By controlling local laser heating and ablation, it is found that microstructures can grow from the surface, and the asymmetric laser scanning strategy can further regulate the resulting structures. By combining flexible and programmable laser processing technology with intelligent shape memory polymers, an excellent example of reconfigurable structure preparation is demonstrated.

Relevant results to the Localized Self – Growth of Reconfigurable Architectures Induced by a Femtosecond Laser on a Shape Memory Polymer – “title