Global Automotive LiDAR Market Laser Pointer

According to relevant data, the global automotive pointer laser market will show an alarming growth trend from 2017 to 2023: from 726 million US dollars to 5 billion US dollars, during which the average annual compound growth rate will reach 43%.

French market research and strategy consulting company Yole Development said that the growth trend of the automotive lidar (LiDAR) market will continue until 2032, when the market will reach 28 billion US dollars.

Recently, LiDAR and the new Laser pointer application are developing simultaneously. Therefore, the LiDAR market is directly related to the development of ADAS solutions and robotic vehicles. These areas have all shown high growth rates and great market enthusiasm. Various industries such as aerospace, archeology, construction, and wind farm projects will also become part of the LiDAR market.

Yole technology and market analyst Alexis Debray said: “In the past two years, LiDAR companies have received more than $ 800 million in investment. As a result, these technologies have great appeal to the industry.” Some companies were established only a few years ago, though. , But has already received millions of dollars of investment. For example, Blackmore, founded in 2016, recently received $ 18 million in investments from BMW and Toyota. Founded in 2012, Quanergy received $ 180 million in investment in 2017.

This investment trend just proves the immaturity of Laser pointer technology. Startups, industrial companies, top companies, and automotive OEMs have invested in different methods, but they are not able to ensure success. This is the price they must pay. Only by doing so will they have the opportunity to enter the automotive market LiDAR technology field Many people call it the “holy grail”.