Market Attention Is Not High Enough Green Laser Pointer

In addition to education, HLD projectors are also being deployed in the home market. At this year’s CCBN2018 exhibition, a product called “Natural Light TV” has attracted the attention of many people. In fact, this product is a reflective ultra-short focus product that uses an HLD light source. However, the green laser pointer in the domestic field has just started, so the market attention is not high enough.

Regarding the future of HLD, the author has recently conducted in-depth exchanges with several industry professionals. These industry leaders are full of confidence in the future of HLD, and more definitely said that based on the education market is not the end of HLD. Its ultimate goal is to unify the market in the 2500 ~ 6000 lumen segment.

In their opinion, in addition to brightness and color, HLD has many advantages that lasers do not have. First of all, LED light source technology occupies an absolute dominant position in terminal lighting, such as home lighting, urban landscape, and smart street lights. This makes more global companies that manufacture, sell and research LED light sources. From the perspective of market share, LED also far exceeds laser. Quantitative change is the prerequisite for qualitative change. From this perspective, the development speed of HLD is significantly faster than laser, and it is likely to form an advantage for green laser pointer in the future.