Compared With Similar Green Laser Pointers In The Market

In addition, LBO products have a great advantage in quality over similar green laser pointer products in the market. Both the stability, reliability and production scale of the LBO products have been widely praised by customers, and they have become the important supplier preferred by many industrial customers. .

In addition to the advantages of crystal products, the technical thresholds established on crystal products are also introduced. The technical threshold of the crystal industry is not only a certain process, but a comprehensive. The introduction said: “I think the technical threshold of the crystal field should be holistic, and any link is indispensable. From crystal growth, to cold processing of crystals, to crystal coating, all links are very important.

If there is a weak link, it will affect the final use of the crystal product. Customers use our products to make lasers. Reliability is very important. From crystal growth to cold working to coating, the entire chain has very good leading technical advantages. At the same time, we continue to carry out green laser pointers. Process improvement and technology development.