Suitable For Practical Green Laser Pointers Applications In Driverless

“In the past, there were millimeter-wave radars, and this type of radar was relatively limited in detection range.” Wu Yuan said that Hamamatsu’s chip can greatly extend the measurement range of lidar. According to customer feedback, the green laser pointer radar using Hamamatsu chips can reach a detection range of 200 meters in practical applications. On the other hand, because of the particularity of the application field, the lidar chip must have high security, universality and stability.

And Hamamatsu Photonics is just the best in this respect. The operating temperature of its chip adaptation can reach minus 40 degrees to 105 degrees, and ordinary manufacturers can only achieve a range of minus 20 degrees to 65 degrees. In fact, laser radar has gradually risen along with the hotness of driverless driving. In China, it has only really developed for about two years. Therefore, it has not yet reached the stage of customized requirements.

Green Laser Pointer

On the other hand, in the field of autonomous driving, the dispute over the technical route of cameras and lidars has always existed. Which technology route is more suitable for practical green laser pointers applications in unmanned driving? “The main thing is in the range, the range of the camera is about 30 meters, focusing on short-range ranging, and the lidar can reach a distance of 100-200 meters, focusing on medium-long distance ranging . “