Scientist Laser Pulse Green Laser Pointer

“From the perspective of missile range, there is no problem with altitudes of 200, 300 kilometers and even higher. At present, human beings can send satellites weighing several tons to orbits of 36,000 kilometers.” Song Baohua said, but there are some difficulties in accurately targeting asteroids. . He said that for spacecraft made of metal…

Important Application Potential Green Laser Pointer

Talking about how to publish a high-level paper, Qu Songnan humbly stated that there are not too many skills in this regard. The first is that the research direction must be valuable and promising, and the second is that the research content must be the core problem in the field and the current The main…

Infrared Fluorescence Imaging Green Laser Pointer Application

Existing absorption and emission bands of carbon nanodots are mainly located in the ultraviolet-visible region. High-efficiency absorption in the near-infrared region and high fluorescence quantum efficiency near-infrared luminescence cannot be achieved, which severely limits carbon nanodots in biofluorescence imaging, especially green laser pointer application in in vivo near-infrared fluorescence imaging. In recent years, in order to solve…

Break Through Technical Bottlenecks Green Laser Pointer

It is reported that the study of carbon nanoparticle’s luminescence mechanism and spectrum regulation are the difficult points in this field. Before 2013, the emission of carbon nanoparticles in the green light band was thought to originate from the surface defects of carbon nanoparticles, and this green laser pointer light source was considered to be difficult to…

Promising To Change The Future Lighting World Green Laser Pointer

In 2006, scientists at the University of Clermontson in the United States produced a type of carbon nanoparticle that emits bright light when illuminated. Scientists also found that green carbon pointers with luminescent carbon nanoparticles have unique advantages, such as chemical stability, no light flicker, light drift resistance, non-toxicity, cheaper manufacturing cost, and excellent biocompatibility….

New Laser Material Green Laser Pointer

Recently, Qu Songnan’s research group at the Changchun Institute of Optics and Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences broke through the problem of low luminous efficiency of carbon nanodots in the near-infrared band. For the first time, they developed carbon nanodots with highly efficient near-infrared absorption / luminescence characteristics, and realized a green laser pointer….

Seeking Higher Returns Green Laser Pointer

After the spring equinox, it is a good time for spring ploughing production. The roar of agricultural machinery in the field is constantly growing. The agricultural machinery department in Beichen District keeps up with the service during agricultural hours. Laser leveling is a technology that Beichen District has been promoting in recent years. There are…

Independently Developed Excimer Green Laser Pointer

“As a leading unit in the construction of the lithography machine parts technology innovation center in the development zone, Keyi Hongyuan has developed the excimer green laser pointer technology and products independently developed by the company to become a domestic high-level professional excimer laser technology solution provider. The excimer laser system for lithography has broken the long-term…

Can Quickly Complete The Development Of Green Laser Pointer Products

Keyi Hongyuan has three main products, namely 193nm excimer laser for lithography, 248nm excimer laser for lithography and 193nm excimer laser for immersion. This company has mastered the core technology of a 193nm excimer lithography light source with a repetition rate of 4kHz and has developed a principle prototype. This type of stereotyped light source…