Military Powers Have Increased Their Use Of Green Laser Pointer

Cyber ​​Weapons: A New Dimension of Wrestling Powers. Today, cyber security threats are no longer a new challenge, and military powers such as the United States and Russia have increased their research and development and practical use of green laser pointer weapons. In 2017, the number of cyber forces in the U.S. Army increased eightfold; the German Federal Defense Forces established the Cyber ​​Information Space Command to set up an independent service responsible for cyber security.

Analysts predict that in the future, the Internet will become a new dimension of wrestling between great powers, and cyber weapons will become an important weapon that cannot be ignored. As early as March 2005, the US Department of Defense issued the “National Defense Strategy Report”, which clearly defined cyberspace as the fifth largest space with the same importance as land, sea, air, and space. In October last year, the United States Department of Defense announced that the 133 “National Cyber ​​Task Forces” under the Cyber ​​Command had all green laser pointers with preliminary operational capabilities.

303 300mW Green Laser Pointer 532nm

The US government has decided to upgrade Cyber ​​Command to the 10th Joint Operations Command of the U.S. Army, which is on a par with major combat commands such as US Central Command. US media recently reported that the U.S. Army’s cyber forces currently serve more than 8,000 military personnel, an eight-fold increase in one year, while other people, including individual employees and contractors, serve more than 10,000 people.