2025 Automotive Class Laser Pointer Radar Market Forecast

According to foreign media reports, LiDAR has become the darling of many car companies. Such devices are mounted on autonomous vehicles to enable safe navigation, obstacle detection and avoidance. Lidar powers the ADAS function. Although some car companies have begun to configure laser pointer radar for autonomous vehicles, the current price of the device is extremely high and batch configuration cannot be completed. Fortunately, with the surge in the number of autonomous vehicles in the future, the price of lidar equipment will also drop significantly in the future. Cars such as BMW, Audi and Mercedes all use this technology to ensure driving safety.

Green Laser Pointer

Car companies will continue to increase the degree of integration of on-board lidar technology, thereby increasing the degree of automation of vehicles, and driving the continued growth of the global automotive-grade lidar market. Car companies have integrated lidar into advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS), which will provide safe navigation operations for vehicles and avoid collision accidents. Thanks to the assistance of lidar, the performance of the forward collision prevention system will be improved, and the application of ADAS is expected to grow at a high speed.

As the automotive market is growing and competition is becoming more intense, it is a unique selling point for car companies to provide safe and comfortable driving assistance functions. By 2025, because the mechanical green laser pointer radar is too fragile and expensive, solid-state lidar is expected to occupy a larger proportion of the market.