Indian Laser Application Market Status and Trend Analysis

According to foreign media reports, in the global laser market of up to 12 billion US dollars, India has a 5% market share. It is expected that in the next five years, the global laser market will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 11.6% to 21 billion US dollars, and India will be the main reason for this growth. Since 2012, the laser pointer cutting market in India has grown tenfold, from 50 units per year to 500 units per year.

5000mW Laser Pointer 5W 532nm Green Star

With the trend of the price of fiber laser cutting machines falling almost daily, the market that previously focused on the work shop has now expanded to include companies that manufacture such machine products. Due to the high cost of early machines and the need for well-trained manpower, all companies outsource their work to the work shop. However, as prices have fallen (now 1kW lasers cost under $ 50,000), these companies now have their own lasers. As the cost of such machines has fallen, this trend has grown rapidly; at the same time, this is also the reason for the development of metal sheet cutting machines.

The Indian laser market is driven by the automotive industry and is also the reason for the growing growth of metal sheet cutting workshops. These markets are mainly located in automotive centers such as Pune, Bangalore, Chennai, Mansar (near Delhi) and Ahmedabad, and together account for more than 80% of the metal cutting laser processing workshop market. Although the machine tool industry is all over India, it is even more so in Punjab, Chandigarh, Rudina and Coimbatore, and diamond laser processing is mainly concentrated in Surat, where more than 10,000 to 12,000 red laser pointer lasers are used.

Sahajanand, located in Ahmedabad, opened the Indian fiber laser cutting market. They are the first company to manufacture fiber laser cutting system and have the design patent of fiber laser system. There are other companies such as Scantech (Mumbai), Suresh Ind (Pune), Proteck (Chennai), A Innovative (Ahmedabad), Mehta CAD CAM (Ahmedabad) and Lastronix (Ai Hamedabad) etc. are all manufacturing sheet metal cutting machines. There are other distributor companies, such as CAD CAM (Delhi), Laser Technologies (Mumbai), and Sigma Mechatronix, which mainly sell these machines.