The little laser pointer contains a lot of energy?

Scientifically and theoretically, the safety level of lasers is classified according to the degree of damage to the human body caused by the lasers. The classification of lasers gradually increases from CLASSI (level 1) to CLASSIV (level 4), but the first level is basically harmless to the human body. Generally, the laser level of the laser pointer will be marked on the product.

Class 4 lasers are very dangerous and can cause fires. Anyone who is within the range of Class 4 laser radiation must wear protective clothing and goggles. Many people burn their eyes due to the Class IV laser reflected by the reflector, so any reflector should be kept away from the Class IV laser. Do not expose your hands and skin within the laser emission range at any time.

You must read the laser safety manual before using laser equipment. Generally speaking, the greater the power of Laser pointer on the market, the greater the damage. According to a practitioner in the laser industry, high-power lasers can cause burns when exposed to weak places for a long time.

Someone once did an experiment with a laser pointer above 200W milliwatts at a distance of about 30 cm from the match, and the match was instantly ignited. It can be seen that when the light is gathered, the energy density is very high, and the human eye is very fragile. Yes, this energy will directly burn through our retina and cause irreversible damage.

I believe some people have also heard that a powerful laser cannon can instantly ignite the fuse when the focus of the laser is on the firecracker, and the firework can also be ignited when it is aligned with the firework. This shows that the energy of the laser is very large.