The us Marine corps is developing a new laser weapon that can transmit voice messages remotely

The us Marine corps is developing a new laser weapon that can transmit voice messages remotely, deafen, blind or burn the recipient, foreign media reported.

The “scalable compact ultra-short pulse laser system” (SCUPLS) will be a “non-lethal” crowd-control weapon. The intense pulses emitted by the ignition laser pointer last only a few millionths of a second, enough to form a sphere of plasma in the air or on the target surface. A more powerful detonator laser could then cause the plasma ball to explode, producing a flash and bang.

In addition, SCUPLS produces an incremental effect at different power levels. At the lowest power level Settings, a series of fast flash-bombs will be modulated to communicate understandable robot language and commands over a range of 100 metres. At higher power level Settings, SCUPLS will generate the same bang and glare as inside a jet engine. SCUPLS vaporizes the outer layer of skin when it targets directly.

SCUPLS will be installed in small vehicles. The design phase should be completed in 2019, after which a prototype will be built and tested.