Can Be Based On Standardized Laser Pointer Products

Product upgrade iterations. Mainly to improve the problem of long deployment time of current laser pointer products. The deployment time of the wood ant robot is about one week, which is relatively long. Wood ants are increasing the robot’s automation capabilities on the one hand, and on the other hand will also reserve more standardized equipment communication interfaces to improve deployment and equipment docking time. In the most ideal state, the robot walks around with the person, and the person specifies the work station, and the entire deployment process can be completed.

Due to the requirements of industrial customers for reliability, the current lidars used by wood ants in industrial fields are mostly foreign-certified products, and their prices will be relatively high. Qian Yongqiang said that the priority of industrial customer needs is stability and reliability first, followed by cost and experience, so currently only a few customers pay more attention to cost-effective projects, and use cheaper domestic lidar. However, in the future, as the overall price of lidar decreases, the price of the entire solution will be lower and more advantageous.

Product line expansion. 3C industrial logistics handling can be divided into two stages: material handling from warehouse to production line, and pallet handling from dock to warehouse. From the warehouse to the production line, basically all the materials have been split, which is relatively light. At present, the wood ant robot can already meet. In 18 years, Wood Ant will also launch a 1-ton unmanned forklift, aimed at the transportation scene from the dock to the warehouse, so as to fully cover the entire link of industrial logistics.

By looking for standardized scenarios and developing standardized products and solutions, Carpenter also hopes to be able to start new marketing and business model exploration based on standardized laser pointer products, further reducing the barriers for customers to accept products. Qian Yongqiang said that there are related plans, but specific details will not be disclosed for the time being.