Researchers have found a laser pointer that increases the speed of light scanning

According to the latest research by researchers at Penn State University’s School of Engineering, a major laser pointer technological advancement has been achieved in the field of high-speed beam scanning equipment, which is a 1000-fold increase in the printing speed of 2D and 3D.

Using space charge to control the potassium tantalum niobate beam deflector, the latter is a crystal made of potassium tantalate and potassium lithium niobate with a large electro-optical effect. The researchers found that it is possible to achieve higher speeds. scanning.

Basically, when crystal materials are applied in an electric field, they will produce uniformly distributed reflections that can deflect the incident beam. He is a professor of electrical engineering in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. We conducted a systematic study on the adaptation of speed and found that the phase change of the electric field is one of the limiting factors.

In order to overcome this problem, Yin and his research team, including graduate students from Penn State University and the Maryland Army Research Laboratory, worked at higher temperatures to eliminate nano-disordered potassium tantalum niobate crystals. In the induced phase change due to the electric field. They not only surpassed the Curie temperature (that is, some materials lose their magnetic properties at this temperature and are replaced by induced magnetism), but they also surpassed the critical endpoint (in which liquid and its vapor can coexist).

RGB High Tech Handheld Laser Pointer

This increases the scanning speed from the microsecond range to the nanosecond range, and improves technologies such as high-speed imaging, broadband optical communications, ultra-fast green laser pointer display and printing. The team’s research results have been published in the journal “Science Reports”, a British interdisciplinary journal. Technologies like this will be particularly meaningful, such as real-time high-speed imaging in the medical industry.

For another example, using a non-invasive imaging method that uses light waves to obtain cross-sectional pictures of a person’s retina, and obtains a three-dimensional image of their patient’s retina during surgery for them, so that they can see which areas still need surgical correction . This research may benefit everyone. It used to take an hour to use 3D printing technology, but now it only takes a few seconds, while the two-dimensional printing of 20,000 pages only takes one minute.