Recycled high-tech laser pointer technology

After decades of development, laser pointer cladding technology has entered practical industrial applications from laboratories, and has been widely used in aerospace, petroleum, shipbuilding, engineering machinery and nuclear power industries.

1. Aerospace

There is a huge market for the remanufacturing of aero-engine blades. There are many types of blade materials and high technical content. The repaired blades need a lot of work in terms of repair materials, flaw detection technology, and life evaluation. Moreover, in the domestic civil aviation industry, some key parts and components still depend on foreign imports, so the later maintenance of the aircraft needs to spend huge amounts of money to purchase new parts and components from abroad.

2. The field of petroleum exploration

Green Dot Laser Pointer Pen For Sale

In the petrochemical industry, due to the long-term harsh working environment of the equipment, it is easier to cause severe corrosion and severe wear of parts, which will lead to the complete scrapping of large and expensive parts, such as drill collars, non-magnetic drill collars, centralizers and vibrations. Large parts such as strikers.

3. The field of coal mining

In the coal industry, due to the harsh working environment, the performance requirements of coal mining machinery parts are relatively high. The main failure modes of hydraulic columns are scratches and peeling of the coating. The coating adopts a highly polluting electroplating process, and electroplating is one of the traditional processes to be gradually banned. Therefore, the use of green laser pointer cladding technology to strengthen the hydraulic column has a large market, and it is also an environment-friendly and recyclable high-tech supported by the state, which can replace the traditional electroplating process.