Why are laser Pointers so useful?

The laser characteristics

1.Laser radiation can cause genetic and physiological pest defects, male infertility or genetic mutations, and some agricultural pests continue to die after being irradiated by ruby and carbon dioxide lasers. Different species of insects have different sensitivity to different wavelengths of laser light. I found that different insects are sensitive to laser wavelengths. If you use a laser to kill pests, you can choose the length of the laser to kill pests if you use a laser to kill pests without considering killing them. Beneficial insects. The infrared laser (CVT), which transfers the laser wavelength from 450 nm to 560 nm, can eliminate important plant pests such as white flies and red spiders: killing black cockroaches, tarantula ticks and other insects; Argon laser at 488 nm wavelength, water can effectively eliminate larvae, ticks, ants and other pests. A haystack or swarm of mosquitoes hit by a CO2 laser during flight is as hard to escape as an aircraft hit by an anti-aircraft gun. For airport owners, the stage and other places are necessary to reduce the chaos of the geese. There are several reasons why it works so well. Lasers allow you to remove them from property without harming them. It’s not just about the host. If the target is sheep, not people who won’t eat or drink, be there. If you shine a powerful laser on them, they will alert the whole team to run away and find a safe place.

2.Second camp in the open air. Exploring and surviving outdoors is a great guide. The lantern’s radiation path is limited. The laser path is usually 800 meters, at least 300-500 meters, very economical. If there is no electricity in the lamp, you can use a laser pointer as a survival tool. Lighting a match with a Laser pointer is another matter.

3. Laser technologies such as nuclear power, semiconductors, electronic computers, computed tomography, genetic engineering and the detection of new particles are the best ways to achieve this goal. The working principle of semiconductor lasers is simple: when current intersects PN, N electron injection region, P region, p hole, if the semiconductor that forms the P-N coupling is a strong cathode (i.e. when current reaches or exceeds the threshold, the forced radiation level is greater than the loss). Laser! At present, the GNS laser series is the most mature, the most important, the most widely used.