Blood turns into a laser pointer transmitter for drug testing and cancer treatment

It is reported that researchers from the University of Michigan in the United States have developed a new technology to monitor cell structure and molecular level activities by combining laser pointer with FDA-approved green fluorescent dyes.

This work may one day improve clinical imaging and will better monitor tumors and other cell structures; and during drug testing, it will be used to monitor the changes experienced by cells exposed to future new drugs.

The team, led by an associate professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan, irradiated a small laser cavity containing human whole blood injected with indole bon green fluorescent dye. By analyzing the reflected light, researchers can observe the cell structure and changes in the blood at the molecular level.

Because this technology has the ability to process lasers, it can be amplified to make it easier to spot slight changes or filter out unnecessary background noise. Current methods use infrared or visible light dyes, and mainly rely on visible fluorescence to observe cell activity, but it is difficult to observe small changes.

3000mw Laser Pointer Mini Flashlight Shaped

Currently, researchers have only demonstrated the technique in human whole blood in vitro. But they predict that the technology will be able to be used in human tissues in the future. In this way, it will be able to better monitor cell activity and tissue performance in the body, or enable surgeons to accurately determine the edge of the tumor during surgery.

There is currently no cure for myopia, blue laser pointer surgery correction is not suitable for everyone

In 2018, the overall myopia rate of children and adolescents was 53.6%, and the incidence was severe. Some parents place their hopes on the treatment of myopia, and many businesses claim that it can cure myopia. However, experts pointed out that there is currently no medical cure for myopia, and appealed to the public not to believe in publicity and commercial marketing that can cure myopia.

Previously, in response to the current problems of false and exaggerated publicity, the National Health Commission and other 6 departments issued a document requiring institutions or individuals engaged in the correction of children and adolescents to not use “rehabilitation”, “recovery”, and “reduced degrees” in external publicity for myopia correction. “Myopia cure”, “myopia nemesis” and other expressions mislead children and parents of myopia.

Can laser engraver surgery get rid of myopia? Hu Ailian, director of the Blindness Prevention Office of Beijing Tongren Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University, said that myopia is a change in the structure of the eye. Laser surgery only changes the refractive power of the cornea and focuses light on the retina to help patients see clearly. Correction means, but can not change the anatomical structure of myopic axis elongated. Laser surgery is not recommended for everyone, and it is necessary to go to the hospital to check whether the operation can be performed.