Researchers have developed the first practical laser pointer on silicon substrate

Researchers from the UK, including researchers from Cardiff University, have developed the first practical laser pointer formed on a silicon substrate. It is expected that this technological breakthrough will bring about ultra-high-speed communication between computer chips and electronic systems, covering areas such as communications, medical treatment, and energy production.

With the increase in applications, users have higher and higher application requirements for electronic devices, and therefore, the production technology requirements for electronic devices have become higher and higher.

650nm 10mW Red Light Laser Pointer Pocket

Researchers have found that it is more and more difficult to meet the above requirements through the traditional electrical connection between computer chips and electronic systems; therefore, it is necessary to resort to a potential ultra-high-speed connector-light.

However, it is still difficult to combine semiconductor green laser pointer as ideal light sources with silicon. Therefore, British researchers finally solved this problem through continuous experiments: for the first time, they successfully developed a laser directly on a silicon substrate.

The professor who led the research and development experiment said that the laser with a wavelength of 1300 nanometers can operate for 100,000 hours in an environment with a temperature of up to 120 degrees.

Professor of the School of Physics and Astronomy said: The realization of an electrically pumped laser on a silicon substrate is a major advancement in the field of silicon photonics research. It will bring about obvious changes in the fields of computer and digital economy.