According to foreign media reports, the British ministry of defense is spending 130 million pounds on future weapons, and 30 million pounds has been invested in developing Dragonfire laser weapons. It is described as a lasaer pointer weapon suitable for warships, used to shoot down drones and fast attack boats, and will be on public…
Day: July 26, 2019
Coherent company launched a new high – power ultraviolet laser subsystem
The new laser cutting subsystem from coherent combines high power, ultraviolet (UV) lasers and precision scanning optical systems to provide fast throughput and excellent cutting quality for wafer, SIP and PCB processing. Specifically, the PowerLine AVIA NX lasaer pointer cutting subsystem comes with a 40 W coherent AVIA laser source, a biaxial galvanometer deflector, a…
The us military has developed lasers that can be remotely identified
The pentagon has developed a lasaer pointer capable of identifying people from 200 metres away based solely on their heartbeat, foreign media reported. The system, called Jetson, USES infrared sensors to detect tiny movements on the skin caused by a person’s unique heart characteristics. Stuart lemali of the pentagon’s office of counter-terrorism technical support says…
Application of laser rangefinder radar in centaur
What is laser ranging radar Lidar is a radar system that emits laser beam to detect the position, velocity and other characteristics of the target. It is sending a probe to the target signal, and then receives the reflected signal from the target compared with emission signal, after proper treatment, can obtain the target information,…
Use lasers to identify cyclists and pedestrians
Apple has revealed details of its self-driving car system for the first time. The system USES a new combination of software and laser detection to identify pedestrians and cyclists. While apple has never hidden its ambitions for self-driving cars, little has been known about the secretive project until now. Tim cook, apple’s chief executive, said:…
An industrial – grade femtoyl-vary multiwavelength femtosecond laser was released
On February 15, 2019, wuhan anyan laser technology co., ltd. officially released FemtoYL™ -vary for its industrial-grade multiwavelength femtosecond laser. FemtoYL™ -vary multiwavelength femtosecond lasers are a new member of the FemtoYL laser family of femtosecond fiber lasers. FemtoYL™ -vary is a femtosecond laser based on fiber optic CPA technology. The laser is capable of…
Monaco uv femtosecond lasers are being promoted by United States coherence for higher reliability
Coherent corporation’s new Coherent Monaco ultraviolet femtosecond laser offers Coherent Monaco with superior energy stability and minimal thermal impact zone (HAZ) for high-throughput, high-precision cutting, streaking, and drilling in microelectronics. This characteristic makes the laser suitable for OLED cutting, wafer cutting, thin polymer film and film cutting, flexible circuit and low dielectric constant material processing,…
The next revolution in microelectronics is achieved by laser writing
Crossing the threshold of ultrafast laser writing in bulk silicon was recently published in the journal Nature Communications by Margaux Chanal and others from France, Qatar, Russia and Greece. The paper says that in previous attempts to write ultra-fast lasers in silicon, femtosecond lasers were structurally unable to process volume silicon, and the use of…
The next revolution in microelectronics is achieved by laser writing
Crossing the threshold of ultrafast laser writing in bulk silicon was recently published in the journal Nature Communications by Margaux Chanal and others from France, Qatar, Russia and Greece. The paper says that in previous attempts to write ultra-fast lasers in silicon, femtosecond lasers were structurally unable to process volume silicon, and the use of…
Major breakthroughs have been made in the research and development of super and short laser experimental devices
According to introducing, super ultrashort laser can create unprecedented strong electromagnetic field in the laboratory, high energy density, and extreme physical conditions, super fast time scale comprehensive in accelerator table, ultrafast chemical, the second science, material science, laser fusion, in the fields of nuclear physics and nuclear medicine and laboratory astrophysics has important application value….